1. Ellen says

    My 27 year old daughter was diagnosed with Alopecia. Do you have any suggestions as far as what may be the cause. There is no family history. She has been on stimulant medication on and off for years fit Inattentive ADD. She also had her gall bladder removed about 3 years ago. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  2. I know alopecia has usually been considered to be strongly hereditary, but lately it seems to me there are more people developing this condition. I don’t know of any data on this though, but I perceive a parallel or similarity between the increase in alopecia and increase in adult onset celiac disease. This suggests that there may be an inborn tendency that becomes expressed in the context of environment conditions, such as toxins in the environment, stress, and/or an imbalance in gut microbes (“dysbiosis”). My advice would be for her to be mindful of her diet and avoid junk food/processed food that has more chemicals and pesticides, because she may be sensitive in some way, and to find ways that work for her to manage stress.


  3. I attended your lecture yesterday on stress, appetite, digestion and mood. I am a healthcare professional who faces challenges with autoimmune disease. I try to keep a positive mindset but have been facing some especially puzzling symptoms with rather poor medical advise from my providers (for example continue an antibiotic that had caused confusion/near syncope, for UTI symptoms, in spite of a urine culture being negative for ANY specific bacteria. This conversation happened on the phone as I drove to the seminar).

    I wanted to thank you in person but knew I would be tearful with everything I had going on yesterday. You gave me so much to think about and so much insight, but also reminded me of the importance of stress reduction techniques that I know work and often fail to use. You really kept things very interesting with your humor and wit. I would recommend this course to anyone who deals with autoimmune or digestive disease either personally or professionally. Thank you for your interest and work in areas that are often neglected by mainstream medicine.


    • CE I attended the same seminar yesterday, it is so amazing to learn that a lot of our sometimes stem from somewhere and they may be helped. I recently started some amazing probiotics and some other supplements that have tremendously changed my life.


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